Same-Sex Couples Sue For The Right To Marry In Japan

February 9, 2019

Thirteen same-sex couples have filed a lawsuit in Japan arguing that the country's rejection of same-sex marriage violates their constitutional rights. Japan is predicted to be the next country in Asia to allow same sex marriage. Japan's government has interpreted the constitution's marriage provisions to only permit marriage between heterosexual couples. But that reading ignores other parts of the constitution that guarantee equality, lawyers for the couples say.

In my opinion, Japanese inheritance laws should change since they are restrictive toward gay people. I would be disappointed if i was not able accept my dead relative's belongings legally just because of their preferences. 

This is similar to Frank Kemeny and the gay rights movement he launched because he protested against the government for rights that were being taken away.

Do you believe homosexuals should be stripped of their rights?
If you were affected by these unfair laws in Japan would you try to stand up for yourself or comply?
Do homosexuals have restricted rights in America?


  1. Great article, and a very current topic for sure. Do you know if same sex marriage is legal in the US, and if it is, when it was legalized? What do you think is the best argument for same sex marriage?

    1. Yes, same sex marriage is legal in all fifty states since June 26, 2015. I think the best argument for same sex marriage is that love has no gender.

  2. I believe that despite the fact that same sex marriage is legal in the US, homosexuals are restricted in the US. Not because of laws put in place, but because of people’s beliefs. awoke people believe that homosexuals are not deserving of the same rights of heterosexuals and therefore, withhold services. I think everyone has a right to be seen as equal, so in that way, they are restricted of rights.


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