Parkland activists don't plan on slowing down anytime soon

Summary: Since a year after the Florida High mass shooting, David Hogg and his campaign,
“march for our lives” have kept on receiving global attention for his ambitious efforts for the safety
of our country. His campaign has been advocating for more laws that oppose the ones that make
it harder for people to get guns. He believes that more access to guns can provide defensive
safety and can help prevent many future incidents like the one his school experienced in Parkland
High, Florida (the mass shooting).
In my opinion: I feel that it is necessary for guns to become more accessible because just like
during the prohibition, the criminals always find a way/ access to the alcohol (or gun in current
situation). But the ones who would use guns only for their safety; would have a hard time getting
their hands on one. Therefore, i would feel that more access to guns would be safer since
people would be able to protect themselves, their kids, or their students (if a teacher).
History connection: This can connect to history with the Lavender Scare around ww2. This is because;
just like How guns are trying to be heavily restricted and banned in today’s politics- for our “safety”, Our
Gov was trying to restrict & get red of homesexuals (since they were deemed as dangerous for our
society). Just like before, we are still fighting for our basic freedoms (freedom of expression & protection)
even though others might see the situation as dangerous.
Questions to discuss: Is it REALLY possible to completely outlaw guns? If not, then aren’t we just
make it less safe for our country?
+ If guns become restricted or banned, then how are kids and students supposed to be protected if
criminals can still cop them(guns) illegally?


  1. The “war” against guns is just like the war on drugs. No matter how harshly the government tries to ban them and enforce the laws, people will still inevitably get their hands on them. Unfortunately, especially in the case of guns, only people that shouldn’t have them get them when they are banned. If we trained the general public better on how to handle crisis situations and firearms, then armed the responsible ones, our communities could be far safer.

  2. I don't think the answer to safety is going to be answered through more guns. I think that gun restrictions would sold a lot of gun violence because people are still fighting for the freedom of expression and protection.

  3. It is possible to really outlaw guns. A ton of action would have to happen though. The second amendment would have to be thrown out which would be insane to think of due to the fact that one of our rights would be taken away. Then a nationwide ban against guns would have to be placed but what kind of criminal would really participate in that. If guns were outlawed I believe crime would increase because these hopeless defenseless people. It would become Raiders of the Lost Ark once again, "Never bring a knife to a gun fight".

  4. I don't think outlawing guns is the right approach but rather as a society we have to figure out how to make people more responsible for their actions. For Example, if someone was to buy a gun then they would need so tracker or some law that says their gun can and will be traced. I know this is hard as many guns are untraceable but just an idea. Also I think we need to treat the lives of people more important than an object.

    1. I agree with you on the idea that people need to accept responsibility for their actions, especially when it involves the ownership and use of a gun. It is clear that guns are having a similar effect to Prohibition, where banning people from using them would sparking an increase in people who would exploit them by committing mass shootings like the one in Parkland rather than for protection of an individual and his or her free rights. Because of this, I believe that communities should try to keep themselves secure from gun crime by creating a psychological barrier for criminals rather than a physical one. The best possible way to deter people from gun violence is not to use law to ban it, but instead to somehow manipulate people's minds so they would not think about doing it. An example of how this would be more successful way to deal with crime is with TSA. While studies show that the TSA fails to detect 95% of weapons, the US not had a single fatal airplane hijacking since 9/11. Even though airport security is ineffective and mostly just a theater, people to this day still do not dare to think about hijacking planes, partially because they have seen the impact of 9/11. I believe that March For Our Lives can do the same by further publicizing the Parkland shooting. I believe that David Hogg's campaign is going in the right direction by trying to preserve the freedom of gun ownership in the US and possibly look to other, more psychological ways to stop gun crimes.

  5. I think that guns should not be completely outlawed, but there should be safety requirements or training a person needs to meet in order to legally own a gun. This would limit the number of dangerous people with firearms, although it is close to impossible to make sure that no one gets firearms illegally. Additionally, to prevent mass shootings, it would be nice to have some sort of system that people could easily use to alert authorities of gun threats and more training on what to do in that kind of situation.

  6. It's easy to outlaw guns but that doesn't mean they'll be out of the country or no in the possession of citizens. No matter how strict a law there will always be people who break it. The idea that banning guns will stop acts of terrorism from happening is ridicules since the guns didn't fire themselves its the people willing to do these crimes that we should focus on not the mean in which they hurt others.

    1. dr jorgensen that last comment was me (max)

  7. To answer the first question I believe that outlawing guns completely is the improper approach. Instead the government should simply put heavy restrictions for the access to guns unless it were to be someone from a military or police department. There are still several alternatives that people can use for self-defense such as a taser or pepper spray that is much easier to obtain and is non-lethal.

  8. to answer the second question, i dont think guns are the right way to go. Even though guns may protect kids, it can really lead to curiosity and misbehavior which can also leas to kids wanting to play with guns.


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