Alabama Newspaper Editor Calls on KKK to Lynch Democrats

By Abby Yee
"Alabama newspaper editor calls on KKK to lynch Democrats" Link

Summary: Goodloe Sutton wrote an editorial in his newspaper, the Democrat-Reporter, about how Democrats were going to raise taxes in Alabama, suggesting that the KKK should lynch them, as he believed Socialist-Communist Democrats were un-American. Additionally, he claimed that the Klan was not a violent organization, contradicting his previous suggestions. Other Democrats in Congress responded with disgust and argued that the call for white supremacy was not only dated, but threatening to people of color and should be stopped.

Reaction: I was very surprised by this editorial because I think it is very extreme to ask a terrorist group to lynch people who are increasing taxes.

Historic Connection: This article obviously connects to the KKK uprisings during Reconstruction, where Klan members used threats and force to keep African Americans from becoming equal economically and politically, seeing racial equality as un-American. Similarly, Sutton wanted the KKK to stop law changes by threatening and killing those who supported the change, seeing them as un-American.

How did you respond to this editorial? Why?
What changes would you propose to keep this from happening again?


  1. This is really terrible. The fact that the KKK is still being advocated for is awful. When it comes to movements that arise in support of minorities, everyone instantly tries to do everything they can to dismantle it. But nobody seems to talk about movements like this, that are hateful and destructive groups of people. When people advocate the BLM movement, its discriminatory. But when it comes to the KKK people all of a sudden argue that Americans have the freedom to believe in what they believe in as long as it doesn't hurt anybody. In my opinion, a KKK movement does more harm, and should be given far more backlash.

    1. I agree that advocating for the KKK is terrible and that the US still has a long way to go with supporting and protecting minorities, as racism is still a problem.


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