Education Department Investigating Alleged Discrimination of Native American Students in Montana

Summary/Reaction: This article confirms that the government (Department of Education Civil Rights Office)
will investigate claims of discrimination against Native American students in Montana that was exposed last
month in a New York Times and ProPublica article (LINK to original article).  The complaint was filed by Native
Americans students who live on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation and attend Wolf Point High School where
they make up 57% of the student population.  The students assert that their school, “deprives them of basic right
s to which they are entitled in school.” The Department of Education is going to investigate claims about the
difference in discipline, special education services, test scores, enrollment in AP classes, etc. between white
and native students at the school.  In the original investigative article the attorney representing the students
said, “The discrimination is so ingrained that people think that’s just the way things are.”
My reaction to this article is one of great frustration and sadness - it is my belief that every
students deserves an education that fosters their learning, respects their culture, and supports
them in their academic endeavors.  

History Connection: I can connect this article with the Brown v Board of Education Supreme Court case.
 In this case it was argued that African Americans students were being treated unequally in public schools
due to segregated schools.  The Supreme Court ruled 9-0 that school segregation violated the 14th
Amendment (equal treatment under the law) and schools were integrated through the country.  
I believe the situation at Wolf Point High School in Montana is also an example of students
being unequally treated.
Question for Discussion: How might the Department of Education Civil Rights investigation
impact students … do you think it will be like the Brown v Board of Education case and have a
positive impact for all students?


  1. Unfortunately, my view of this situation is rather pessimistic. Our laws supposedly protect equality in the school system. However, in reality, when it comes time to make difficult choices and actually put those policies into effect, it is not a priority for our society. I think the investigation will reveal sad truths, but is unlikely to have wide-spread effects outside of specific communities.

    1. You make a good point - things did not instantly change after the Brown v. Board of Education decision, but the decision did eventually lead to change. I agree that we still have a long way to go in order to achieve the school system that all students deserve, but I want to be hopeful that the investigation could have a positive impact and perhaps causes other groups just like the Native Americans of Fort Peck Reservation to demand change too.

  2. It is so unfortunate that this is happening in our society today. Although we make laws that are supposed to protect our rights as citizens, it is evident that none of this is making a difference because people are still giving minority groups less opportunities. If minority groups are deprived of opportunity and their basic rights, they will never be able to contribute to society.

  3. I believe that the Department of Education and Civil Rights will ultimately open up more opportunities for the groups of students who claim that the school "deprives" or limits of what they are capable of doing compared to other students. I hope that the Department of Education and Civil Rights' investigation will end up as successful as the Brown vs. Board of Education case because all students, regardless of their background, should have equal access to obtain the education necessary to be successful.

    1. I agree because the fact that discrimination still happening to this day is effecting students learning is not only unfair but not right. It annoys me that the African Americans take up more than half of the student population and yet less than half are experiencing special treatment. Although I do admire the Department of Education Civil Rights doing an investigation because I think it will make a great difference in those who claim are "deprived" due to positive recognitions and equal opportunities to success. In addition I do hope that the Civil Rights' investigation turns out to be successful because whether what color or ethnic background a student has all should be treated equal with equal amount of learning opportunities together.

  4. This is truly shocking, the board will definitely impact the education of students, especially because they are such a high authority. Weather it is positive or negative is still in question, but hopefully it will be positive because the investigation has been started. It is very much like the Brown V Board of education case, and hopefully it will end in a positive way.

  5. It saddens me that some of the students believed the way they were treated was normal. I think this investigation is going to show these students that they should not be treated lesser than others due to their race. I also think it is going to give other students who have been discriminated due to their race the courage to speak out about it. I don't think any investigation can have a impact on every single student being discriminated against because many students are treated lesser without knowing it is wrong. I also think that some students do not think their cases are big enough to do something about them when really there should always be action taken when someone is discriminated against for any reason.


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